Phx Tag Soup

The soup is warm

Editor, Y U Do That - Sublime 2, Whitespace and Git Conflicts

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I recently changed text editors. For any dev, this is a big deal. We’re talking changing religions big. I had been using TextMate for about 4 years. I love TextMate. Then, I started hearing more and more about Sublime 2. So I decided to give it a whirl. And, after 10 days, I’m hooked. Thanks Ryan Mathis!

I wanted to point out a small feature/issue I ran into today. Sublime 2 has a config that will trim white space at the end of lines. It’s really useful and in most cases a great feature.

Here’s where I ran into the snag. I made a couple of VERY minor changes to a file. Saved, then ran git add, git commit etc. Another developer takes a look at what I pushed and tells me there conflicts all over the file. I only changed 2 lines of code, how can there be conflicts “all over the place”.

Here’s a quick example of the feature in action. On the left, I have Sublime 2 open. On the right, I have the same file open in TextMate. When I click save in Sublime 2, you will see the white space disappear.

This was causing the conflicts in git. It took me a while to figure this out. I knew it was the editor, but not sure where it was happening. Once I figured it out, I needed to turn it off for this specific project :(

I found this setting:

"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true,

in the Base.File.sublime-settings (Default) and Base.File.sublime-settings (User). You can access these files by going to Sublime Text 2 > Preferences > File Settings Default and File Settings - User. I changed the setting to ‘false’ in both files and that did the trick.

Features like Trimming Trailing White Space are really nice. And 99% of the time should be turned on. But it’s important to understand all the magic your editor is doing for you. Next time you hit that edge case and have to disable a feature, you won’t have to waste time troubleshooting.

More Notes From: OMG That’s So Kewl - Show and Tell

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Here is the video from our final, special guest, Paul Irish. Paul is an amazing developer. Some how, while releasing libraries like HTML5 BP and Modernizr, he is still able to find the time to talk to Phx Tag Soup. This screencast is about the Modernizr Test Suite. I will be blogging more about this specific meet-up and what it meat to me personally soon. For now, enjoy!


HTML History API With Luke Karrys

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Hey everyone, Luke Karrys here, I’m forking ur Octopress, adding my postz.

I gave a presentation at the meetup on Thursday, October 27 titled “HTML History & You (and how to keep your hair when working with it)”. If you couldn’t make it (or if you just didn’t get enough the first time), check out the slides (or fork ‘em on GitHub). Hit me up on Twitter or GitHub with questions, comments or critiques. I’d be happy to hear it all.

And since Phoenix Tag Soup is all about doing cool stuff, enter the Konami Code. I dare you.

OMG That Is So Kewl - Show and Tell

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This Thursday, (October 27, 2011, 6:30 PM) we will be hosting the next Phx Tag Soup event. Terralever has been nice enough to let us use their space again.

This month a couple of Phx locals will be giving short (10-15min) talks on projects they’ve been developing. We also have some non-locals giving lightening web talks about their projects.

Luke Karrys, Mustached Manveloper The Mustached Manveloper, Luke Karrys (@lukekarrys), will talk about the pain points he ran into with his HTML5 history API capable site he recently worked. Plus, discussing how he can pack so many buzzwords into a single project.
Alan Hogan Alan Hogan (@AlanHogan) is going talk about when your plan might not go quite as planned… see what I did there?
Then, via the internets: Ray Morgan Our friends in Las Vegas have been busy writing an iOS app called Rumgr. Started by Zappos developers Dylan Bathurst (@dylanbathurst) and Ray C. Morgan (@raycmorgan), Rumgr has gone on to win some serious awards. Since it’s launch Ray and Dylan have left Zappos to live the startup dream. And that’s exactly what Ray will be talking about.

Finally, we have a very special guest. He will be discussing a library that most front-end developers have heard of, and most likely have used on current projects. He also happened to write that library, so this should be hawttt.

Right after the talks wind down, we’re heading to Rula Bula to grab a drink and just hang out. So come out, show some support for the Phx Interwebs Community and have a good time.

If you made it this far, enjoy this free desktop background.

Ryan Dahl’s History of Node.js

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Being a late on anything sucks right? But being late is always better than not finishing what you set out to do. So I just want to do a small recap of September’s meet-up. Bottom line, Ryan fucking Dahl (@ryah)!! Ryan was nice enough to take some time to talk to us about the history of Node.js. He’s never really told this story until now. Thanks so much Ryan

Check out the video here:

Getting this video up on the web was hooker-ish. After the meet-up was over, I excitedly opened my laptop to watch the video. The computer was acting strange and eventually locked up before I could play the video. So half drunk, I reboot the laptop. I start up SilverBack App to check out the video and it looks great. BUT there is no audio. So after 3-4 days doing anything I could to save the file I gave up. I mean, FFMPEG even failed me :( I wipe up my tears and I eventually had to send the file off the be “professionally” repaired. Oh well, that shit happens. I’m just glad the video was saved.

No more talky, just go watch the video again, then hack on something.

Mmmm Soup

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Whoo Hoo! First post! So, we’ve found a home. Maybe temporary, might be permanent. We still haven’t decided. But let’s get into it.

Who are we? The answer is simple. We’re a group developers (client side, server side and even UX/UI side) in the Phoenix area. We all love the interactive space. We also want to make the web more fun.

Why Phx Tag Soup exists… This one requires a bit of back story, so hang with me. Inspiration is a great side effect of being a developer. It doesn’t matter which part of the web you’re working on, there’s so much great shit out there you can’t help but be inspired. Most developers have favorite blogs, favorite people to follow on the various social media outlets etc… While it stops there for a lot of developers, those that look further get rewarded. It’s weird to think that “looking further for inspiration” means looking in non-digital outlets. GASP, real life! Conferences can be life changing. And the answer to “why Tag Soup exists” is a conference.