Phx Tag Soup

The soup is warm

Meteor.js Meeting Details

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Meteor JS Team Member Avital Oliver!

Meeting time and date: 7pm (Arizona Time), Nov 15th, 2012

We’re really excited about this one. I remember when I first saw Meteor.js. I think @0lu, @rxgx or @phil_renaud sent it to me. It was probably the day it launched. Srsly amazeballs. The only thing that kept me from really falling in love with it was the lack of security. That’s all changed now…

Fast forward to Oct 17th (or maybe at this point I should say rewind). This blog post is dropped. It took me a second to find the link to the screencast. When I did, it was like an early Halloween treat. So much sweet, sweet sugar. After talking with everyone, we thought it would be great to try and get someone from the Meteor team to do a TagSoup.

After a few emails, Avital Oliver, JS Engineer at Meteor, agreed. 2 Legit (hay hay)!

With all that said, here’s the deets:
When: Nov 15th, 2012 7pm-9pm
Where: Melt Media

Same format as the last meeting with the TypeScript team. Totally open. Ask anything, be prepared, and most important… Have Fun!

Hopefully, it will be a lot like:
